Thursday, May 5, 2011 2 comments

Deshpande Foundation

Applying a 'bottom up' approach to building scalable solutions, the Deshpande Foundation at Hubli Sandbox works to create an effective ecosystem where resources are put to use through entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability. Located in northwest Karnataka in India, the Hubli Sandbox engages with not-for-profits, academics, organizations and entrepreneurs who are involved with the launch of effective and scalable models of development. We seek to empower communities with leadership and skill development programs that prepare urban and rural youth to lead or manage social enterprises. Through such programs, we strive to launch effective, relevant and scalable solutions through the investment of social enterprises. To date, we have reached more than one million families in Northern Karnataka. 

Since its inception, the Deshpande Foundation has expanded its reach to include a number of progressive programs all designed to foster entrepreneurial aptitude and a passion to purse social justice through social enterprise. In an effort to coordinate these endeavors, the Foundation established a cutting-edge program, the Deshpande Center for Social Entrepreneurship (DCSE).

The DSCE will function as the nerve center for all activities related to Deshpande Foundation programs fostering social entrepreneurship in the Sandbox.

DCSE programs include:
Sandbox Connect
Entrepreneurship Academy
Entrepreneurs in Residence
LEaders Accelerating Development

By embracing the concepts of innovation, scalability and entrepreneurship and applying them to social objectives, the DCSE desires to make a global impact on civil society. The DCSE hosts and supports developing entrepreneurs, encouraging them to use one another as sounding boards, build and experiment with prototypes and generate brand new concepts designed to address development issues.

2 Response to Deshpande Foundation

May 1, 2014 at 7:16 AM

In an effort to coordinate these endeavors, the Foundation established a cutting-edge program payudara montok, the Deshpande Center for Social Entrepreneurship (DCSE)

June 22, 2015 at 5:33 AM

Indiegogo drive social innovation and transformation in various fields including education, health, environment and enterprise development. They pursue poverty alleviation goals with entrepreneurial zeal, business methods and the courage to innovate and overcome traditional practices. A social entrepreneur, similar to a business entrepreneur, builds strong and sustainable organizations, which are either set up as not-for-profits or companies.

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